U.S. Pressures Taiwan to Address Undervalued Currency 美財政部未判定台灣操縱匯率 將加強聯繫確認

2021/04/17 CNA中央通訊社, Source

April 16, 2021 English Source(WSJ)

  1. Treasury has determined that there is insufficient evidence to make a finding that Vietnam, Switzerland, or Taiwan manipulates its exchange rate”.
  2. The Treasury uses three criteria to identify potentially unfair currency practices: the extent of active intervention in currency markets; the size of trade surpluses with the U.S.; and the size of the country’s current-account surplus, a broader measure of trade that includes investment income and other financial flows.
  3. Treasury’s Friday report said Taiwan’s central bank “continues to actively intervene” in the foreign-exchange market.


  1. 美國財政部2021/4/16公布匯率報告,台灣、越南與瑞士儘管符合涉及匯率操縱的3項標準,但因未有足夠證據,因此未被列入匯率操縱國名單,中國則持續列入觀察名單。
  2. 美國對於匯率操縱國設有3項標準,分別是對美國商品貿易順差達到200億美元以上,經常帳盈餘占該國GDP比重超過2%,以及至少有6個月進行單邊干預匯率,且淨買匯金額占該國GDP比重超過2%
  3. 報告在提到台灣時表示,台灣已經符合3項標準門檻,財政部將開始加強與台灣的雙邊接觸,敦促制定相關計畫以採取具體行動解決台灣貨幣低估的根本問題



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